Yes, its true. I am officially engaged!
So many crazy things going through my head at the moment, but I thought I would share this pretty amazing experience with all of you.
I mean, I LIVE for this kind of stuff, so to be the subject of my own obsession is pretty sureal.
Okay, let's rewind to the beginning.
My boyfriend Jonathan, who I will celebrate 4 years together with this August, made plans to have a big "date day" together this past Saturday. Jonathan will be starting his big nursing program today and it will be a pretty intense year and a half of very strict studying and focus for him.
In light of all that, we wanted to make sure we spent a very cute day together this past weekend.
This past saturday I slept in and woke up at the very generous hour of 10am. As far as I knew, we were gonna hang out, maybe grab lunch and watch a movie.
Jon later informed me that we would probabaly grab lunch in Malibu and check out the Getty Villa. I am obsessed with The Getty Museum and have never been to the Villa, which I am told has an amazing collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Keep in mind that the Goddess Aprodite and her son Eros (or Cupid as we all know him as) are part of this exhibit- so naturally I am all in.
Our day started with a beautiful drive down Pacific Coast Highway. We had reservations at Geoffrey's in Malibu. I had never been to Geoffrey's so I was looking forward to checking it out. The menu did not dissapoint! We started with oysters and then indulged in the Lobster Quiche and Scotch Benedcit (Eggs Benedict over a croissant). For dessert, because yes, we went there, we had the most amazing Warm Brioche Bread Pudding which was covered in a rich bourbon sauce.

I died. This meal was EVERYTHING!
I didn't even mention the gorgeous view of the ocean we had.... so amazing.
Ok... back to the proposal.
After lunch we headed to The Getty Villa. I was so very much looking forward to this as I love museums and the Getty Museum in LA is one of my favorite places on earth. I have never been to the The Villa, so it was very sweet of Jonathan to make this a part of our date day.
Once into the Villa, I was speechless at how beautiful the grounds were. The Getty Villa is modeled after a first-century Roman country house, the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum, Italy. The building was constructed in the early 1970s by architects who worked closely with J. Paul Getty to develop the interior and exterior details.

In short, this beautiful villa instantly transports you out of California and into ancient Rome!
Jonathan and I wandered the exhibits and the gardens for about 45 minutes before we headed upstairs to take in the newer exhibits.
Once upstairs, Jonathan asked if we could check out a private balcony area which overlooked the ampitheater area outside. I followed his lead, not thinking anything of it.
Of course, it's gorgeous outside. The sun was setting and I instantly launched into full Instagram Photo mode. (so embaressed, lol)
Jonathan then asked if I could sit next to him for a second.
As I sat down, I was pretty happy with our date day. It was sweet and great way to spend a day together before he started school again.
" I have a gift for you" he said.
I was feeling pretty silly, because I didn't think this was a gifting kinda date. I felt unprepared.
He then took out a package which was wrapped in brown craft paper and white ribbon.
I opened to find a book that was embellished with the words "The life and adventures of J & D."

Jonathan is very crafty, on many anniversaries and holidays he has been known to flex his DIY muscle and make some pretty cute stuff. This was obvioulsy one of those moments.
As I flipped through the pages of the book, he had cut out squares of the book and inserted photos of us together of the years. Each page had corresponding stamps and embellsihments pertaining to the photo like " Happy Holidays, Birthday and Friends."
Then, all of a sudden, the book opened to the center, where a large square was cut of of the center.
In that center was a little blue bag from Tiffany & Co.
I got very excited (and of course was freaking out as I thought he was proposing) but he then asked me to breathe... and open the bag before I said anything more.
A silver Tiffany's ID Bracelet fell out..... (false alarm David...)
I immediately shifted into thank you mode, because, hey- this is still a pretty cool gift.
As I started to shower him with grattitude for such a sweet and beautiful gift, he asked me to read it as he put it on my wrist.
The bracelet read " MARRY ME?"
Once I realized what was happening, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!
It was so crazy ... I said YES ( of course )
It was at that point he said, " I figured you wanted a specific ring, so I thought we could go get it together." (Insert excitement about ring shopping)
After a very emotional kissing and hugging session, we watched the sunset and called all our friends and family.
We then left the Villa and headed back to West Hollywood to celebrate with our friends!
We haven't really planned out much just yet, but I am sure as we both make them, I will let you all know via this blog.
So stay tuned.... my adventures in love has just reached an exciting new stage in my life.
I cant wait to share it all with you.
- David