4 Things To Avoid With Your New Fall Crush

So, after all the crazy partying this Summer, you finally managed hook yourself a good one right as we head into the holiday season.

The good news is that you finally have someone to plan that “under the mistletoe” kissy picture with. But the bad news is that you are also sipping on a tall glass of CRAZY juice thanks to the romantic high you are on.

In order to prevent you from saying or doing something you will regret, here are a four things you shouldn’t do this holiday season with your new Fall crush!

1. Pretend You’ve Known Each Other Longer Than You Do

Sure, these last few months have been amazing, but let’s face it you still have a long way to go. So before you go telling everyone on Facebook and at Thanksgiving- reel it all back and keep a mum about all the details. When the time is right, going public will be easier because you know more about your new beau than what cologne he wears and how he likes his coffee. Take this time to get to ask more questions and understand how compatible you are. Remember, anyone is capable of having sex and cuddling, but not everyone wants to get married. Get to know the long term goals and see if they match with yours.

2. Move Faster Than You Are Going Already

Since Fall “Cuffing Season” usually starts around September and October, most relationships started around this time are fairly new. Regardless of how many days you have spent building pillow fortresses at each other’s homes – that doesn’t mean you should have “The talk” about going official or moving in together. Yes, you want commitment, but take it slow you have plenty of time.

3. Meet The Family

Whatever you do – DO NOT TRY AND MEET THE FAMILY! Repeat – DO NOT!

Although it’s terribly tempting to try and ask mom to set an extra plate at the dinner table, don’t do it! Remember, you are still in the puppy dog phase and its best to really make sure your new beau is commitment ready or else it’s just another bad story you will have to rehash at next year’s holiday gathering.

When you have 6 months under your belt and you have his (or her) commitment to monogamy and a relationship- that’s when you should bring in the family. After all, you will want to make sure he has already answered all the questions you are dying to know- before drunk uncle asks them first.

4. Blow Up Social Media

We get it, you found someone.

There’s no need to remind us all that you love sharing a “Couples Frappuccino”, that you have pet names and that you are really good at taking #SunsetKissingSelfies. There is extreme danger in putting your relationship all over social media, before you are absolutely sure that he is Mr. Right. If things don’t happen to work out, you will have to back track and explain- and that’s just sad. Have some restraint!

David Cruz, III

David is the Founder and Creative Director of Finding Cupid. He has been writing about Dating & Relationships for the last five years and is a contributor to Huffington Post, Frontiers Media, Your Tango and many other publications. David can often be found in the greeting card aisle searching for the ultimate love card, or a bakery making bad decisions for himself.

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